Yeah, we have a cool tool, but why should you use it?  You may think, eh I don’t need this, but guess what? Video can better sell your product, company or idea.


Mr. Wideo (and others) say…


  • People who view web video are 64% more likely to purchase than other site visitors (comScore)
  • Video will soon be 90% of Internet traffic (YouTube VP at CES)
  • 50% of smartphone users watch web video on their mobile device (Google blog)
  • Over 90% of shoppers found web video useful in making purchase decisions (Internet Retailer)

That’s right.  And due to everyone using tablets, now people watch more videos for longer!

You have options – you can hire an expensive video production company to make your video for you.  But, we get it all you startups, funds have to be allocated differently.  So now you can just do it yourself.  To get your video Wideo perfect, it might take a bit of time, so stay tuned a blog on how long you should spend on your Wideo.

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