Editable Stock Videos
Create short videos in minutes with our ready-to-use stock video libraries.
Beyond the footage, you’ll find all of your video solutions here.
Stock videos edited by professionals
Designers and marketers often combine stock videos with texts and animations in order to create promo videos, social videos, demo videos, etc.
We’ve gone ahead and combined the footage with animations to save you time.
How to edit stock videos using the Wideo editor?
With the Wideo editor, you can edit stock footage templates very easily. Replace the texts, objects, colors, and even the background video itself to adapt the template to your needs.
Free stock video integrations
The Wideo editor has built-in free stock video libraries from Pixabay and Pexels.
You’ll have access to thousands of videos to use. Select the video you want to use and start adding texts and animations in a few clicks!
Why do people choose Wideo?
“We were looking for stock videos to create video ads, and we found the perfect solution with Wideo, which allows us to easily create video ads by combining footage and animations”.
Luciano Menéndez
Owner at VivarStudio
“Finding stock footage is relatively easy. The biggest problem is when you have to create the final video. Luckily we found the Wideo editor, which helps us create short videos for social networks”
Hernan Botbol
Founder of PricePulse & Taringa

Blog posts about Stock videos
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How to Use Wideo’s AI Script Generator: A Step-by-Step Guide
Creating engaging video content is easier than ever with the help of AI tools. One such tool that stands out is Wideo's AI Script Generator. This powerful AI Script Writer can help you generate professional-quality scripts in no time, ensuring your videos are...