Animated videos are great in their pure motion graphics form, but when you combine them with a medium such as photos or GIFs, the visual contrast produces a professional and unique look.

Today we’ll show you how to upload GIF files to your wideos to achieve that effect with just your Wideo account, your choice of GIF, and this video template.

Step 1: Collect your GIF files

Aside from being a sort of search engine for GIFs on the Internet, Giphy is also a great tool for creating your own animated gifs by uploading video files or entering a video link. 

You can also search GIFs from Google right inside the Wideo editor.

Step 2: Upload them to your wideo

Once you’re in the Editor, navigate to the Images menu.

Select the GIF file you want to upload from your computer. It will be placed into the current scene once the upload is done. Hit the Preview Scene button at the bottom-left corner to check it.

Step 3: Design away!

From there you can overlay the GIF with some animated text for a social media video or email marketing campaign, use it as a background image, or use them in a video tutorial or product demo to educate your customers. Play around and see what balance works for you!

Share your animated videos, questions, or suggestions with us below!

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