Watch Intellipush Wideo
My experience with Wideo
My first impression of Wideo was very good, I tried a couple of other platforms. I have never made any types of video and this was my first attempt at video editing/making ever. I think the tool is really easy to use. It also has all the features he was looking for. Good graphics, an easy to understand layout and the user interface was great as well. Especially for someone who doesn’t have any prior video making experience. I created the Wideo myself ad published it on our homepage and YouTube. I started with templates, but then I made all the video on scratch by importing some backgrounds and logos.
We also like to show our video on sales presentations for companies to help them get an understanding of the company.
I made a few versions of the wideo, and it took me 7 days in total to complete it.
Intellipush is a tool that provides tighter and more personal communication and marketing to your customers, employees, members, guests and others. Its mostly aimed at people who want to make and market hundreds of thousands of personal SMS to clients. Platform to help business do SMS marketing. The power of SMS marketing is often strongly understated. Email marketing via B2B or B2C has 25-30% opening rate, with a 5-6% click rate withing the email. With SMS, there is a 95% opening rate within 10 minutes. The click rate is often 60-70%. Often a lot more efficient than any email or social media marketing. As such the company mostly focuses on personal marketing.