Are marketing video templates for you?
We streamline your video creation process, giving you a faster start when you use one of our templates. And with our super-functional video editor, you can upload a new video a day, with no struggle.
If you want to grow your company or stand out as a marketer, take advantage of this opportunity and start creating professional marketing videos.
Get direct access to free images and music for your marketing videos
Do you want music in your marketing video? Don’t worry; we have you covered as well.
Share your marketing video with one click or download it as an MP4
Downloading a video to then upload it again is just a thing of the past. We have integrations with YouTube and Social Networks to get you up and running faster. Are you creating a Facebook video campaign? Upload it directly with just the click of a button.
We are devoted to helping you make videos part of your marketing arsenal.
Wideo features for every marketer

You can download your videos to mp4 files unlimited times, and you can also share your creations directly from our platform on Facebook, Twitter or upload your videos to YouTube.


Create a professional marketing video for your business in minutes with Wideo:
Select select a video style from the Templates Gallery
Signup or login to Wideo
Start creating magic with Wideo!
Why thousands of marketers choose us
Our clients are so happy about the added value of video.”
Wideo streamlined our video creation process.”