Alison Garwood-Jones

Watch Alison Wideo

My experience with Wideo

When I stumbled upon wideo I actually said (out loud to my empty apartment), “I found you! Finally!” That was an Aha moment for sure! For months, I had been actively searching Google for a platform that would allow me to tell slideshow/video stories that put drawings to music with the option of animated effects.
Wideo works so well for me because it builds on the Powerpoint or Keynote slide model. With Wideo, you can see exactly how your narrative is developing and where the transitions are. I like having full control over the speed of my images and effects are unfolding in relation to the music.

So far, I have made two videos (and several test Wideos). I take the available templates and alter them to fit my goals.The first, a 52-second free video, was an attempt to garner leads for my work as an illustrator. I called it “Why hire an artist” and tagged it on Google as “Why hire a graphic recorder” (I’d recently worked a TEDx conference as a “graphic recorder” and wanted more work in that role). I optimized and tagged the heck out of this little video and managed to get it on page 1 of Google search (no. 6 out of 917,000 hits)! Not bad for my first time out!

My second video, “Where Does Content Live” was my response to how publishing is changing and shows how destination websites (like the or are being swallowed up by social media. I upgraded my account to make this video. I wanted more music options, more screen time (1:52) and the ability to download it to YouTube. It was so worth it!

With Wideo, you can see exactly how your narrative is developing and where the transitions are.

I like having full control over the speed my images and effects are unfolding in relation to the music.

I’m a Toronto-based freelance writer and illustrator, and a former editor at Elle Magazine. I also teach Digital Strategy at the University of Toronto.

Freelance writer and illustrator


I use Wideo mostly to tell stories on my blog and my social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter). In that sense, Wideos are helping me reach my goals.